Natalie Walton

Style - The Art of Creating a Beautiful Home


Natalie Waltoni kolmas raamat "Style: The Art of Creating a Beautiful Home" kuulub kindlasti sisustushuviliste kohustusliku kirjanduse hulka! Tema kaks esimest raamatut "This Is Home" ja "Still - The Slow Home" on saanud populaarseks üle kogu maailma ja on ka põhjust - need on lisaks ilusatele piltidele täis ka inspireerivaid intervjuusid ja Natalie Waltoni sisekujundusfilosoofiast (mis muide vägagi ühtib meie Slow Homes filosoofiaga!) kantud esseesid ja nõuandeid. 

NB! Raamat on inglise keelne



Style: The Art of Creating a Beautiful Home is a timeless interiors book that shows you how to transform your living spaces using what you own and love. While designing can be a big investment, styling allows you to elevate your spaces with what you’ve already got.

This book is at once beautiful and practical, demystifying the creative process of styling so that you can create a beautiful home with confidence. Based on more than a decade of industry experience and teaching, this book will show you how to connect with your own personal style and enjoy inspiring, welcoming and authentic interiors. Styling is both an art and a science – and you can learn both.

The inviting chapters explore identifying your style; design principles; transforming spaces; visual storytelling; and nurturing your craft. As well, author and renowned interior stylist Natalie Walton steps through significant rooms in the house to provide expert insider insights on how you can create magical styling moments in your home.


Kõvakaaneline, 240 lk, 

Mõõdud: 22 × 2.6 × 29 cm

Saadavus: Laos 

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